Termékek átmeneti menedzsment szolgáltatás (11)



We consult our customers about organization of work processes, development project management, low-cost production monitoring solutions and abaqus CAE automatization modules.
CRM@SmartBit - Üzleti és értékesítési funkciók egy helyen.

CRM@SmartBit - Üzleti és értékesítési funkciók egy helyen.

CRM@SmartBit is add-on that works on computers or smartphones. It provides insight into comprehensive insight into basic customer data, financial data, realized sales, open and closed sales opportunities, customer activities and their habits. The information you get in the post-sale process is key to achieving your goals. CRM can help you answer questions such as: How satisfied was the customer with the product or service? Are you having a great product but a service/implementation bottleneck? In CRM you can make surveys and communicate with the customer quickly and in a controlled manner via the ticketing system.
GemaLogic - Hatékony energiairányítási szoftver

GemaLogic - Hatékony energiairányítási szoftver

GemaLogic je napredna programska oprema za učinkovito upravljanje z energijo. Omogoča sistematičen pristop k izboljšavam energetske učinkovitosti in zmanjšanju stroškov za energijo. Primerna je za vse organizacije, ne glede na področje njihovega poslovanja in velikost. Prinaša najsodobnejše načine zajema podatkov o porabi energije, njihovo spremljanje in analizo ter uvajanje nenehnih izboljšav, z namenom zagotavljanja učinkovitosti. GemaLogic v celoti podpira zahteve standarda ISO 50001.
ANGE - képek vásárlója S-Gard - A hőstressz megelőzésére

ANGE - képek vásárlója S-Gard - A hőstressz megelőzésére

The structure and the material provide good moisture managment that prevents from heat stress.
PVC műanyag hulladékgazdálkodásból

PVC műanyag hulladékgazdálkodásból

PVC plastic made from waste manageent, parts size 0,5 - 0,8 mm, packed in big bags with 1000 kg, EWC 12 01 05. PVC plastika nastala iz predelave odpadkov, velikost delcev od 0,5 - 0,8 mm. pakirano v big bag vrečah po 1000 kg, EWC 12 01 05.
Nexio - Végső Kaszinó Menedzsment Rendszer

Nexio - Végső Kaszinó Menedzsment Rendszer

NEXIO is a result of a whole new philosophy in design and development of Casino Management System (CMS). It is advanced CMS platform, delivering ultimate user experience across all system modules. From Slots to Tables, from simple tasks to the most complex analytics or marketing campaigns, user can immediately obtain benefits from a whole new level of product. NEXIO means faster, wider and deeper comprehension of all CMS data with access from virtually everywhere. As a unique and all-in-one CMS casino and players too benefits with a total integration of all games, slot machines, table games, and some third party hardware and software. NEXIO is more than just a suit of products. Supported modules are: Accounting & Cage, Ticketing, Jackpots, Player Tracking, Cashless, Multisite. Nexio is certified and meets requirements of most demanding casino jurisdictions
Független Üzleti Felülvizsgálat (FÜF)

Független Üzleti Felülvizsgálat (FÜF)

An independent business review allows a lender to obtain independent information on which it can base its decision regarding existing and new receivables from a company. We prepare independent business reviews as required by financial institutions, investors or the management. In many cases, managements themselves do not have sufficient insight into the operations of their companies, which is why we prepare a financial profile of the operations, emphasizing the cash flow analysis. Preparing an operational analysis and a current state analysis, Assessment of projections and operational plans, Proposed measures relating to lender's claims against the company, Proposed measures relating to additional loans
Gemba Walk!

Gemba Walk!

Gemba walk! What is it? The term Gemba walk is derived from Japanese and means “real city” or “crime scene”. At Lean, “gemba” is the most important place for a team, as it is a place where added value is created. It is a very important part of the lean management philosophy. The purpose is to enable managers and managers to observe the actual work process, work with employees, gain knowledge about the work process and find opportunities for continuous improvement. The operator is best aware of all the problems that arise in the work process and is an excellent source of information. Before you start a tour, you need to have a plan that depends on your long-term and specific goals. You can use a checklist of questions to help you clarify the process
Mendix - A Mendix egy modern, fejlett platform

Mendix - A Mendix egy modern, fejlett platform

Mendix is a modern, advanced platform that allows you to quickly and cost-effectively create computer software packages that perform specific functions directly for end users or other applications. With its help you will gain reliable leverage to grow your business results. Mendix is setting a paradigm - digital solutions do not need to be complicated and expensive. Quite often, most business challenges need small and fast (but still integrated with the rest of the systems) solutions without big costs. They need the future: no code / low code solutions.
Termékek import-export

Termékek import-export

At Bsource, we also provide advice on the economics of transporting innovations and products, storage of products, and customs clearance. We help you plan and implement efficient and cost-effective logistics processes tailored to your needs. Additionally, we advise on optimizing warehouse processes and inventory management to ensure that products are always available when you need them. We also offer services such as customs clearance to facilitate the import and export process of products, contributing to your successful and efficient business operations and helping you achieve your long-term business goals.
WMS@SmartBit - Megoldások az értékesítés és a termelés logisztikájához az ERP Pantheonban

WMS@SmartBit - Megoldások az értékesítés és a termelés logisztikájához az ERP Pantheonban

WMS@SmartBit is an add-on that works on handheld terminals and is fully integrated with ERP Pantheon. It supports Windows and Android terminals and works on on-line as well as off-line systems Manipulations with goods are well managed and accurate traceability is ensured all the way from the level of receipt, the supplier, production, shipment to the customer, release to production and transfers between warehouses and/or locations. Identification is carried out at the level of the batch or other parameters related to storage (expiration date, other characteristics of the goods) can be used. WMS@SmartBit reduces errors during dispatches, ensures traceable goods in the warehouse, optimizes space and the enables better transparency and efficiency of the warehouse.